Risultati per: in treatment

In Treatment 3, Il tempo del dubbio. Intervista a P. Roberto Goisis

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In attesa di In Treatment Commento di Valentina Nuzzaci

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Aspettando In Treatment Intervista a Pietro Roberto Goisis

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Aspettando In treatment, SKYATLANTICNEWS, 18 novembre 2015

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Aspettando In Treatment – Sky.it, 18 marzo 2013

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Panksepp J. (2014). Will better psychiatric treatments emerge from top-down or bottom-up neuroscientific studies of affect? World Psychiatry, 13 (2): 141-142.

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Panksepp J, & Yovell Y. (2014). Preclinical Modeling of Primal Emotional Affects (SEEKING, PANIC and PLAY): Gateways to the Development of New Treatments for Depression. Psychopathology,47 (6): 383-393.

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Fonagy et al. (2015). Pragmatic randomized controlled trial of long-term psychoanalytic psychotherapy for treatment-resistant depression: the Tavistock Adult Depression Study (TADS). World Psychiatry, 14: 312-321

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Lemma A., Target M., Fonagy P. (2013). Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (DIT): Developing a New Psychodynamic Intervention for the Treatment of Depression. Psychoanal.Inquiry, 33:552–566.

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