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“The Sound of the Unconscious” di L. Grassi

The Sound of the Unconscious

The Sound of the Unconscious

The Sound of the Unconscious

Psychoanalysis as Music

Ludovica Grassi

Series: The International Psychoanalytical Association Psychoanalytic Ideas and Applications Series.


June 2021


In this book, Grassi explores the importance of music in psychoanalysis and the place of listening for rhythm within it, arguing that music is a basic working tool for psyche, as words are composed of sound, rhythm and intonation more than lexical meaning.

Illuminating the link between music and analysis in new and contemporary ways, The Sound of the Unconscious explores the resulting advances in theory and clinical practice and will be of great interest to practicing and training psychoanalysts and psychotherapists.


TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword – by Harriet L. Wolfe Introduction 1. Sound and Rhythm in Psychic Life and Psychoanalytic Work 2. Listening to the Link: Music and Primal Relationships 3. On Imitation 4. The Music Is Not in the Notes… Intimacy and the Negative in Music 5. Beyond Space, Time 6. Musical Dialogues: The Baby in a World of Sound and Rhythm 7. The Musical Unconscious in the Family 8. Silence and Absence: Sound and Music During the Coronavirus Pandemic. Afterword – by Anna Maria Nicolò.


In questo libro Ludovica Grassi esplora l’importanza della musica per la psicoanalisi, sostenendo che la musica sia un fondamentale strumento di lavoro per la psiche, essendo le parole composte di suoni, ritmo e intonazione più ancora che di significato lessicale.

Illuminando il legame fra musica e psicoanalisi in modi nuovi e contemporanei, The Sound of Unconscious  esplora i progressi che ne conseguono nella teoria e nella pratica clinica e sarà di grande interesse per gli psicoanalisti psicoterapeuti clinici e con funzioni di training.


(Tratto dalla quarta di copertina)


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